Online at chess.com - Join our site "Waltham Chess Club - USCF Rated"

UPDATE. We have a possible new location in mind for a Spring 2025 opening.

Waltham Chess Club continues to look for a new location. We will keep you posted as we decide how to proceed. In the meantime, please continue to enjoy our chess tournaments on chess.com, and please join our Invitational Cash Prize Tournaments (see our Schedule page at the bottom for the full description).

The Waltham Chess Club provides a pleasant playing site to improve one's game in a friendly, handicapped-accessible setting. We offer a wide variety of rated and unrated tournaments, along with play-for-fun casual nights. Our goal is for players to enjoy themselves.

Our diverse membership, ranging from beginners to masters, provides players with multiple styles and strengths to learn from. Some come only for certain tournaments, while others come every week, but all are willing to share their knowledge to help others. We try to leave time to analyze games, study openings, and play for fun.

Sometimes we offer FREE PIZZA NIGHTS - first-come, first-serve, so come early!

We offer class prizes as numbers permit, so players of all strengths have a chance to be winners.

All our Tournaments, except for those denoted as Unrated (such as Free Pizza Nights), require current USCF Memberships.

Masters get to play for free!

To qualify, a Master must show a current rating of 2200 or more in the latest USCF Ratings Supplement, or must possess a Life Master title, for which he/she must provide satisfactory proof at time of entry.

Come and join us for Friday night chess!

Also check out the TD's Blog.

Contact Information

WCC Member Coordinator

Todd Chase

(781) 790-1033
